
Centennial Speaker Series: Crash or Boom? Crypto, DeFi and NFT Mania | Posted on Mar 05, 2021

Join us for a fireside discussion with Dean Rapaccioli; alumnus Michael Bucella, GABELLI ’08; and adjunct faculty members Paul Johnson and Donna Redel.

Centennial Speaker Series: SPACs: Special, Speculative, or Spam? | Posted on Mar 19, 2021

So what exactly is a SPAC, or special purpose acquisition company? What would make some companies pick a SPAC over an IPO? And why are investors lining up to jump on the trend? Join us for an evening panel conversation explaining one of Wall Street’s hottest trends.

Centennial Speaker Series: Hidden in Plain Sight: How to Save Active Investment Management, Part I: The Situation | Posted on Mar 18, 2021

In Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management, experienced practitioners Ellen Carr and Katrina Dudley examine the lack of women in investment management and propose solutions to improve the imbalance.

Centennial Speaker Series: Neha Coulon on Using ESG Data to Drive Confident Decision-Making | Posted on Mar 29, 2021

Join Donna Rapaccioli, dean of the Gabelli School of Business, for a fireside chat featuring Neha Coulon, global head of ESG solutions at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Centennial Speaker Series: Hidden in Plain Sight: How to Save Active Investment Management, Part II: The Stories | Posted on Mar 19, 2021

How have women succeeded in investment management? Katrina Dudley, co-author of Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management, will moderate a panel of successful female portfolio managers to highlight some of the brightest stars of the “constellation” of women investors profiled in the book.

Centennial Speaker Series: John F. Wasik on Lincolnomics: How President Lincoln Constructed the Great American Economy | Posted on Feb 04, 2021

In this presentation, Wasik will show a vastly under-studied side of Lincoln. As the only president to hold a patent, he was an innovator.

Centennial Speaker Series: Hidden in Plain Sight: How to Save Active Investment Management, Part III: The Solutions | Posted on Mar 29, 2021

How can women increase their assets under management? Ellen Carr, co-author of Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management and principal at a majority-women-owned investment-management firm, will moderate a panel of allocators and firm founders to discuss how allocators are identifying female-led firms for clients seeking to engage emerging managers (EM).

Centennial Speaker Series: In Conversation with Michael Inserra and Kelly Grier | Posted on Apr 15, 2021

Join us for a fireside chat with Michael Inserra and Kelly Grier, two Ernst & Young senior executives, as they discuss the future of work, leadership lessons learned during the pandemic, key aspects of corporate culture—including DEI and ESG —and why EY’s long-standing partnership with Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business is strategically important.

Centennial Speaker Series: Paul Schmelzing to Discuss Lower Forever or Set for a Regime Break? Lessons from Real Interest Rates Since the 14th Century | Posted on May 05, 2021

Paul Schmelzing will discuss his groundbreaking research on real interest rate dynamics since the beginning of secondary debt markets, the topic of one of his Ph.D. chapters.

Centennial Speaker Series: Zachary Karabell on Inside Money: Brown Brothers Harriman and the American Way of Power | Posted on May 05, 2021

Conspiracy theories have always swirled around Brown Brothers Harriman, and not without reason.

The Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis at Gabelli School of Business

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