
The Bond King: Bill Gross and his Influence on American Finance | Posted on May 31, 2022

In this webinar, co-sponsored with the CFA Society New York, the Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis, and the Museum of American Finance, financial journalist and co-host of NPR’s Planet Money, Mary Childs, shared her perspectives on the man nicknamed the “Bond King.”

Journalist Gillian Tett Takes an Anthropological Look at Business | Posted on May 23, 2022

Before pursuing her career in journalism, British author and Financial Times’ editor Gillian Tett studied anthropology, living for a time in Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union where she conducted field research for her doctorate.

How Lincoln’s Administration Financed the Civil War and Reformed America | Posted on May 03, 2022

During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase asked banks along the east coast for loans totaling $50 million in gold to support the war effort.

What Makes the Perfect Investment Portfolio? | Posted on Apr 20, 2022

Investors looking to build their portfolios might look to today’s industry titans for answers but, in fact, the search for the “perfect portfolio” has been in question for centuries, dating back to Aristotle and his hand in ancient Greece’s olive oil trade.

The Bond King: How One Man Made a Market, Built an Empire, and Lost it All | Posted on Apr 20, 2022

Join us for a lunchtime talk with the host of NPR’s Planet Money as she uncovers the deeply investigated story of how one visionary, dogged investor changed American finance forever.

Ways and Means: Lincoln and His Cabinet and the Financing of the Civil War | Posted on Mar 17, 2022

Join us for a lunchtime talk with renowned journalist and master storyteller Roger Lowenstein, as he discusses his revelatory financial investigation into how President Abraham Lincoln and his administration used the funding of the Civil War as the catalyst to centralize the government and accomplish the most far-reaching reform in the country’s history.

In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio: The Stories, Voices and Key Insights of the Pioneers Who Shaped the Way We Invest | Posted on Mar 17, 2022

Join us for a lunchtime talk with Stephen Foerster, co-author of In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio: The Stories, Voices, and Key Insights of the Pioneers Who Shaped the Way We Invest, as he discusses how the greatest thinkers in finance changed the field and how their wisdom can help investors today.

Goldman Sachs’ Catherine Winner on Creating Value with ESG | Posted on Feb 22, 2022

After graduating from Colgate University in 2002, Catherine Winner, GABELLI ’09, landed a job in Washington D.C. that perfectly tied her economics major with her political science background– that is until she decided to leave Capitol Hill, rent a U-Haul, and head to New York City to pursue a different career.

The Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis at Gabelli School of Business

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