“The Blockchain and the Future of Everything” Museum of American Finance Event

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“The Blockchain and the Future of Everything” Museum of American Finance Event

A Museum of American Finance event, hosted by the Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Fordham University – Lincoln Center Campus
150 West 62 Street, Costantino Room | 2nd Floor

The program will begin with a fireside chat with Ethereum Co-Founder Joseph Lubin and Michael Casey, MIT Digital Currency Labs and Chair of the CoinDesk Advisory Board, including a discussion of the World Food Program’s Ethereum-based refugee food distribution project. A panel will follow addressing the broad applications of blockchain technology and its transformative potential, and exploring cases and existing projects that utilize decentralized economic models. The program will provide a balanced perspective on the potential and pitfalls of the technology and the future of crypto investment. Sponsorship for this program has been generously provided by ING, at the leading edge of blockchain technology.


The Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis at Gabelli School of Business

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