When Mario Gabelli, BS ’65, the Gabelli School’s namesake and founder of Gamco Investors, visited a group of Fordham MBA students on November 30, 2015, he asked them what they want to do 10 years from now.
His answer? “I still don’t know what I’m going to do 10 years from now. You’ve got to be flexible in life,” Gabelli said. “Whatever works today may not work in the future. You have to take risks. There’s no reward without it.”
Gabelli told the students about his beginnings at Gamco, the early years when he operated close to the bone financially. He had a vision, kept his options open, remained flexible and asked questions. Even now, when the firm manages nearly $40 billion in assets, Gabelli remains inquisitive, searching for patterns and opportunities.
What will a minimum wage of $15 an hour do to companies such as The Cheesecake Factory? Why is today’s consumer not buying apparel?
The opportunities lie in the answers. So does the risk. For Gabelli, the challenge, the thrill and the passion come from exploring both.
The Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis at Gabelli School of Business
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